A little more than a week ago Frankie started cutting back on his baby food (Watching his figure?) . Day by day things have gotten worse.. At this point he is eating nothing and drinking almost nothing! During the day he is refusing everything, at night he is doing fair. I GUESS WE ARENT GETTING THE G-TUBE OUT :( He has lost weight since his last weigh in.. He's not doing so good!
Well I typed that up a few days ago and never got a chance to finish!!
I ended up taking him to the ER on Tuesday. It seems his whole tummy was full of gas, not sure what was going on! They gave us some super duper anti-gas medicine for him and also did an enema while he was there (the other end was clogged!) Anyways, he is doing better now! Eating alot better, not as well as before but better thankfully!
Frankie now has 5 teeth!! From 3 to 5 in a few days! Woohoo!!
He also started holding more than one toy and banging them together!
I wasn't the only one excited! Check him out!!
His foot looks huge in this picture, hes actually only a size 2!!
AND he loves to play peek a boo!! I will add a video later, its so cute!!!!!
We got a call about Frankies new stroller (pediatric wheelchair) , it has been approved and should be delivered in the next 2 weeks! So exciting! We are going to have to put insurance on this thing, I can't believe how much they cost!!!!!
Here is a picture of the one he is getting - his has orange trim..

Mikaela's Updates!
Isn't she Beautiful!!
Mikaela is now sick , a bad cold I guess. She is losing her voice , coughing alot and feverish.. Hopefully Frankie won't get sick because it always lasts much longer with him and as with everything else he stops eating and loses weight!
She is loving her new school! She has alot of friends and loves her two teachers! She is having her Stone Soup Dinner and program this Thursday - we can't wait!! This past week she got to see a fireman and firetruck, she was in heaven! We have pictures of her trying on the firemans helmet, I will try to scan them later so I can share!
Mikaela will be 3 in less than a month!! I can't believe it!!
Hanging out at McDonald's
Mikaela and Frankie play together alot now - FINALLY! Its too cute!! I will try to get some pictures and videos taken soon. Its so sweet to watch!
there are those GI issues causing problems again....I HATE THEM!
Im glad he is feeling better, I love the action shot of him banging his toys together, Alex loves to do that too, but only with certain things, he is so silly.
So glad he is feeling better too.. I love the pictures.
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