Friday, October 17, 2008

1 Morning - 3 Appointments - 1 BIG NAP!

Frankie had his biopsy yesterday morning. We should have the results either today or tomorrow morning. We are hoping its negative!

He also saw his GI Dr. yesterday. He has lost more weight, he is back at 17.8 pounds (with a diaper on) he was at 18.1 without a diaper. We are going to start night time pump feedings to get him extra calories. This will also get us extra sleep, as long as his tummy tolerates it! Hopefully we figure out the magic number and won't have any wretching episodes...

After the GI appointment we went to the lab for bloodwork, they are checking for a milk allergy. My poor little guy was poked 3 times, he was hysterical the entire time! They can never get blood from him, they even have a hard time with IV's - he always comes back with multiple pokes after surgery. They don't even do it until hes asleep so we know its just not his wiggling! Anyways, hopefully we know the results from the blood work soon.

When we finally got home from our LONG MORNING Frankie took his afternoon nap - 4 hours!!!! It was crazy yet wonderful!! He is napping now as we speak, going on 2 hours :)

Enjoying the nice afternoon on the lawn

Look at the excitement in her face, she loves her BUBBA!!

Mikaela feeding her Bubba apple juice and Miralax, Momma's big helper!

Hanging out with Bubba on his Chair. They love each other so much!

Mikaela loves to fold towels, great helper always!

My Swinging Babies :)

My princess is an outdoor gal


Anxious AF said...

Hope the night feedings go well for you. Our magic number is 51 right now.

Cindy said...

Great pictures of the siblings together...I love it!

Kelly said...

Love all the pics!! I hope you find a feed that works overnight. We still adjust our overnight feed depending on how Max is feeling. Take care!