I guess I forgot to do an update!! The appointment was horrible! Frankie has devloped a hatred for Dr's offices, it started the day before when he went to the pediatrician and then to the lab for bloodwork. He screamed the entire time at the cardiologist, he shook and he literally choked me.
Anyways, through the fits they were able to get some info off the Echo.. He still has an ASD, its about 4mm. The Dr. said that because it is so small he may never have to have surgery to fix it. GOOD NEWS!!!
Update on the kids --- Mikaela has been sick since last Tuesday. Yes, almost a week and a half!! She has been miserable, high fever , lots of coughing and just plain feeling like CRAP! Frankie has been sick since Sunday, today he seemed a little worse. I took them both to the Dr. this morning. Mikaela seems ok - meaning lungs , ears and throat. Frankie has an ear infection :( I was bragging just the other day about how long it has been since he had an infection!!!!
Frankie will be going in on Monday night for a sleep study (wish us luck!) We then go Tuesday morning to the ENT. He snores horribly!! They will be testing for apnea. Hopefully its just snoring, but you never know!