Rest in peace Bella Reign, you will be in our hearts forever!!
I wanted to write and let you all know that yesterday was the saddest yet most beautiful day ever. Bella was laid to rest yesterday morning, many thanks to all the RTS families , Special Friends Foundation and Wesley T Helmbrecht Foundation for making the day possible. Her final resting place is next to a young tree, one that will grow with her. The cemetary that she is in is very beautiful.
I wanted to ask again that you all continue to pray for Monica and her family.
Please also pray for the Priest who led Bella's Mass yesterday. Pray that he finds the lord in his life, pray for his heart! I have never met such a rude, cold and heartless person in my life.. And for him to be a priest? Pray that Monica can get past his actions yesterday and be able to see how beautiful and perfect everything was.
Our kids are truly wonderful and all knowing! Everytime Frankie was in Bella's presence he just put his head on my shoulder and was so calm and peaceful. He also saw her a few times, everytime he saw her he got the biggest smile on his face - bigger than I have ever seen. He was overwhelmed with joy, he knows that she is comfortable now and in an awesome place.
here is a link to her obituary
Thanks again,