Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What a Retard...

What the heck?? Got your attention didn't I?

When Frankie was less than 2 days old he was diagnosed with Rubsintein-Taybi Syndrome (RTS). Among Frankies many medical conditions is Mental Retardation. My beautiful baby boy is Mentally Retarded, hearing that for the first time just broke my heart! Frankie is a little boy who is full of love, life and laughter. My heart is no longer broken, its complete!

How can you know someone like him and use the word Retard? Its such a hateful word! Unless its used as medical terminology its just plain wrong.

Today is a new day, please make a personal pledge to stop using the R Word. You never know whose heart you are breaking when the word comes out of your mouth. Think about it, please!

Please visit this link and help Spread the Word to End the use of the R- Word

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Frankie Doodle!!

Frankie's 1st pictures as a 2 year old!

Two years ago today we were blessed with the most handsome, sweetest and most special baby boy in the world!

We love you Frankie!!!

Mommy, Daddy and Big Sister Mikaela

Here are some Pictures of Frankie enjoying his new Tricycle!! Mikaela loves to push him around!

Party is tomorrow!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bowl for Kids Sake - Donations Needed!!

Ok, so Corey told me about this last minute!! He will bowling this Saturday, all donations go to the Big Brother Big Sister program.

Please donate if you can!!

His goal is $100 but we are hoping to collect more.. IF POSSIBLE WITH LESS THAN 2 DAYS NOTICE!! MEN!!!!!! :)


Saturday, March 7, 2009

What a Wonderful Day!

Yesterday morning was so peaceful!! CALM BEFORE THE STORM!!!!

Frankie and Mikaela both slept late. Mikaela was up first. I kept checking on Frankie because it was so unlike him to sleep so late. At 1045 I decided to wake him up. When I went in he had vomit all over his shirt, a 104 fever and was out of it! He had been sleeping for almost 14 hours. I decided to take him back to the hospital. We were gone within about 5 minutes. 1/2 a mile from the house he got this horrible look on his face, he was choking, not breathing, foaming at the mouth and eventually vomiting enormous amounts of mucous. Our plans changed to drive him to the Firestation, he wasn't looking good. When we arrived he was scared to death but breathing, they immediately put him on oxygen. His o2 level was at 90 (not too bad but not good) his heart rate was 270. Frankie had his first and hopefully last ambulance ride yesterday. We spent about 4 hours at the hospital , diagnosis A BAD COLD with tons of mucous. Rsv, Step and Flu all came back negative again. We had a rough night last night! He was up wretching and choking about 8 times last night.. Hopefully things will get better!!

On the way to the firestation I ran over a few curbs (don't laugh!! I was scrared to death and people wouldn't move!!) Anyways, my car sustained some damage and is no longer operable :(

On the way to the hospital our Pediatricians office called regarding Mikaela's labs. She is allergic to Milk, Wheat, Egg Whites and Peanuts. What the heck?!!? We will be making an appointment for her to see an allergist ASAP. Does anyone know how accurate the blood allergy tests are?

Anyways, wonderful day yesterday!!

7 days till Frankies Birthday!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Stop the R- Word

Alot of people say it without thinking, some say it to be hurtful. Believe me , it hurts! Everytime I hear the word Retard or Retarded it hurts my heart!! Lets start here, with the people who know someone who is "Mentally Retarded". If you can see this message then you know me, maybe indirectly but you know me. My son is "Mentally Retarded". My son is the sweetest and most adorable baby boy in the world! Again, My son is "Mentally Retarded". The next time you even think about using this word just picture his sweet face and how much it will hurt him when he is able to understand your choice of words! Picture how much this word hurts those who know and love him. Picture how much it hurts the millions of people out there who know and love a Special Needs Person.

Think about it! If its not being used in medical terms then its derogatory, its hurtful!!!! ITS WRONG!!!

Our choice of language frames how we think about others. It is time to ACTNOW and pledge your support to eliminate the demeaning use of the r-word.

Visit our site now to help us change the conversation and stop using ther-word.Visit: http://www.r-word.org/

Frankie - almost 2 years old! Frankie has Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome (RTS) he is severely delayed in every area. Frankie has Mental Retardation , most likely Moderately.

Please Pray for Cody's Family

I have been following the blog of an adorable little boy named Cody for a few months. Cody has been battling cancer for a while now. Cody lost his battle this morning :(. Please be praying for his family.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Mikaela is still getting hives, not as bad as they have been though. This morning they surrounded her right eye. It doesn't seem to bother her that much anymore.. She also has an ear infection and is on antibiotics.. I took her for lab work early this afternoon, it was a traumatizing experience!! It took 3 attempts but they finally were able to get what they needed. Afterwards she got her chocolate frozen custard with gummy bears from Woolleys next door. She is better now!!

We took Frankie to the ENT a few hours ago, he now has a double ear infection. They sucked alot of Puss and other goop from his ear, now we start using antibiotic ear drops. He is waiting on the report of the culture that was done yesterday to see if anything else needs to be done.
Frankie also is very congested and is having a hard time breathing. He keeps gasping for air. We may be back to the DR. Sooner than later!

Both kids are sleeping now, woohoo!! Going to catch up on the last 2 weeks DVR shows that I missed!

10 days till Frankies Birthday!!

My Life!!

I felt like sharing the last 2 weeks with everyone!!

4 Visits to the pediatrician, 2 visits to Urgent Care, 2 visits to the Hospital, 1 Gastric Empty Study, 1 PH Probe. 2 Antibiotic Shots, 1 Penicillin shot, lots of Omnicef and Amoxicillan.

Tons of vomit (6 Days), hives, strep throat/ scarlet fever, coughing, snot, tears, fevers, puss coming from ears, crying, whining,.

Today -- Visit to the ENT, Visit to Quest for labwork.

3 Missed days of school, 3 missed days of Therapy.

Many sleepless nights!! I'm sooooo tired!!!

Two Beautiful Happy Babies!! Its definitely worth it!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Help!! Update on Mikaela

So, 13 days ago Mikaela started getting hives. Shortly after she started vomiting and ran a high fever. The vomiting lasted 6 LONG HORRIBLE DAYS!! She is still getting major hives. We have used Benadryl and are now taking an allergy medicine. When she doesn't have medicine the hives return. She was diagnosed with Strep throat and then they said Scarlet Fever (strep throat with a rash). The hives she has however are not a strep throat rash (we were finally told this on Thursday). She has been to the DR. 4 times in the last 12 days. Does anyone know what this could be?? She has never had allergy issues before. Some of the hives are round circles, they look like bites. Alot of them are long and skinny - they look like scrapes. The area around them are usually very red and she gets swollen.. They are gone within about 30 minutes usually. They pop up at all times of the day, morning , noon, and night! The first few days they didn't seem to bother her, THEY DO NOW! She gets alot on her face, arms, legs, fingers and toes. Also a few on her tummy and back at times. We have not started any new lotions or detergents and its not specific to being inside or out.. She gets them Everywhere!

Here are some pictures that I took yesterday morning..